For those of you who don’t know, acid reflux affects millions of people around the world every day. There is no single demographic to sum up this group because reflux can affect all age groups. Reflux occurs when the valve called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter functions improperly.
This valve is responsible for separating your stomach from the esophagus. This is extremely important because without it every time you lay down, bend over, or eat a heavy meal the acid in your stomach would be able to freely flow back into the esophagus causing irritation, redness, and swelling. Other symptoms include heartburn, acidic taste in the mouth, chronic coughing, and discomfort after eating.
Those aren’t the only symptoms associated with reflux and when people being experiencing difficulty after eating they turn to the Internet for an explanation. You can find a list of symptoms here. Besides looking to the Internet for answers people also turn to social media accounts like Twitter to share their reflux pain with the world. Take a look at the 10 funniest Tweets about reflux.
While Twitter can be a good place for people to express themselves about the discomfort associated with #heartburn… Twitter can also be a resource for those trying to overcome acid reflux. Twitter is full of doctors and MDs tweeting all day about all kinds of ailments, diseases, and treatments you only have to look.
If you are someone dealing with chronic reflux look to Twitter and the Internet for natural remedies and small changes to your daily life that can improve your reflux. If it persists or worsens, it’s recommended to see a doctor. Start researching today and get one step closer to beating your reflux!